3Pillars Project – Supporting young people to forge brighter futures

At the beginning of the year, William Mackinlay, our Chamber’s Director, was invited to join the 3Pillars Project as Chair of the Trustees. He had been in touch with the charity on and off for about four years and was delighted to get involved in a formal, voluntary role.


The statistics are stark. The reoffending rates for adults are 50% within a year of release. For children its 69%. The 3Pillars Project’s aim is to help break the cycle of reoffending. The charity provides sports-based mentoring to inspire, challenge, and empower young men within the criminal justice system.


Through mentoring, training, helping them to gain qualifications, and providing employment opportunities, apprentices are able to build a better future whilst in prison and beyond. The charity supports over 100 young people each year and want to build upon this through a cutting-edge post-release community mentoring model, which leads to sustainable work experience and employment.


3Pillars is a small but extremely focused charity that is changing the prospects and the lives of young men coming out of prison. Will is extremely grateful for the ongoing assistance provided to him and to the 3Pillars Project by the barristers and the staff at South Square, including by participating in the mentoring scheme.


Further details of the charity can be found on its website: www.3pillarsproject.com.

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