South Square is a leading set of commercial law barristers. Our members
have acted in many of the most important restructuring, insolvency,
banking, commercial, company and fraud-related disputes of recent times. We are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
Engineering & Infrastructure+
Financial Services+
Professional Services+
Property & Real Estate+
Retail, Consumer Goods and Leisure+
Technology & Communication+
Our members are active in a large number of jurisdictions,
including the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Bermuda,
Dubai, Qatar, Singapore & Hong Kong.

CHAMBERS & PARTNERS“Members with unrivalled talent… Excellent in everything they do.”
The Lawyer“The magic circle’s barristers chambers of choice”
Legal 500“The best set at the Bar for insolvency.”
Legal 500“South Square provides ‘a world-class service’.”
CHAMBERS & PARTNERS“An excellent set at the forefront of the London Bar.”
CHAMBERS & PARTNERS“Incredible members at the top of their game.”
CHAMBERS & PARTNERS“An unrivalled collection of the best talents currently at the Bar”
Contact us
If you wish to consider engaging any member or associate member of South Square as an arbitrator or mediator or as Counsel in an arbitration or mediation, please contact Practice_Managers@southsquare.com
South Square Digest
South Square Digest is our quarterly review of news, cases, judgments and articles covering all our practice areas.