South Square Digest Articles

Magnum Opus on Wrongful Trading and Misfeasance in Relation to the BHS Group
Magnum Opus on Wrongful Trading and Misfeasance in Relation to the BHS Group
By David Alexander KC, Hilary Stonefrost and William…
Does A Limitation Period Apply to Unfair Prejudice Petitions?
Does A Limitation Period Apply to Unfair Prejudice Petitions?
David Alexander KC considers the recent Court of…
A New Era of Corporate Insolvency: the Jersey creditors’ winding up
A New Era of Corporate Insolvency: the Jersey creditors’ winding up
By James Barratt and Ashley Katz of Fried,…
Brake & Anor v The Chedington Court Estate Ltd [2023] UKSC 29
Brake & Anor v The Chedington Court Estate Ltd [2023] UKSC 29
By Jon Colclough (South Square)
FamilyMart v Ting Chuan
FamilyMart v Ting Chuan
By Oliver Payne (Ogier), Gemma Lardner (Ogier), Edwin…
CIGA 2020: Three Years On
CIGA 2020: Three Years On
BY Peter Burgess
Reliance On The Merger Price In Cayman Appraisal Actions
Reliance On The Merger Price In Cayman Appraisal Actions
BY Andrew Jackson (Appleby), Damon Booth (Appleby), Barry…
The spectrum of control: the decision in Re Avanti Communications Limited
The spectrum of control: the decision in Re Avanti Communications Limited
BY Tom Smith KC and Edoardo Lupi
Evaluation of the UK’s CIGA Reforms: A Best Practice Model?
Evaluation of the UK’s CIGA Reforms: A Best Practice Model?
BY Felicity Toube KC Hilary Stonefrost Scott Atkins…
Cryptocurrency and the claim in debt
Cryptocurrency and the claim in debt
BY William Willson Rabin Kok
Taking Flight
Taking Flight
BY Stefanie Wilkins Fiona Macadam – Walkers William…
The Interests of Creditors in the Zone of Insolvency
The Interests of Creditors in the Zone of Insolvency
BY Scott Atkins of Norton Rose Fulbright Felicity…
BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA: The Creditor Duty Comes of Age
BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA: The Creditor Duty Comes of Age
The Chancery Guide 2022
The Chancery Guide 2022
“Jarndyce and Jarndyce has passed into a joke.…
Kathryn Ma Wai Fong v Wong Kie Yik & Ors
Kathryn Ma Wai Fong v Wong Kie Yik & Ors
Arbitration and Insolvency: Clash of Cultures?
Arbitration and Insolvency: Clash of Cultures?
Avoidance provisions in England and Australia
Avoidance provisions in England and Australia
Farid Assaf SC1 Mark Arnold QC 2
Dovetailing between the Judgments Regulation and the Insolvency Regulation
Dovetailing between the Judgments Regulation and the Insolvency Regulation
The mountaineer’s knee: scope of the professional adviser’s duty of care explored
The mountaineer’s knee: scope of the professional adviser’s duty of care explored
The Supreme Court has recently reconsidered the scope…
Restrictions on winding up: Phase II
Restrictions on winding up: Phase II
On 9 September 2021, the government announced that…
Restructuring Plans and Relevant Alternatives
Restructuring Plans and Relevant Alternatives
CIGA 2.0: The New Restrictions on Winding-Up
CIGA 2.0: The New Restrictions on Winding-Up
On 30 September 2021 the current restrictions on…
Sanctioning a contested restructuring plan
Sanctioning a contested restructuring plan
Pre-Packs: The New Regulations
Pre-Packs: The New Regulations
Pre-packaged administration sales, or “pre-packs”, remain a widely…
Moving on to saving livelihoods-
Moving on to saving livelihoods-
the Government’s plan to deal with COVID period…
The UK Rescue Moratorium and the Australian SBR
The UK Rescue Moratorium and the Australian SBR
Independence and Investigation Difficulties for Practitioners  New rescue…
CIGA Extension June 2021
CIGA Extension June 2021
On 16 June 2021, the Business Secretary announced…
Charting new waters: DeepOcean and Restructuring Plans
Charting new waters: DeepOcean and Restructuring Plans
DeepOcean is the first case of the English…
Emerging Patterns in Cayman Islands Merger Appraisal Litigation
Emerging Patterns in Cayman Islands Merger Appraisal Litigation
Rocco Cecere (Partner, Collas Crill) and Edoardo Lupi…
ING v Santander
ING v Santander
Clara Johnson discusses the recent decision of the…
Cryptocurrencies: 2020 and beyond
Cryptocurrencies: 2020 and beyond
Robert Amey and Jonathon Milne discuss Cryptocurrencies: 2020…
Virgin Atlantic Restructuring Plan
Virgin Atlantic Restructuring Plan
Lottie Pyper looks at Virgin Atlantic proposing the…
Strengthening business rescue in the UK and Australia
Strengthening business rescue in the UK and Australia
Felicity Toube QC, Hilary Stonefrost, Scott Atkins and…
Brexit: A deal that leaves recognition of UK insolvency procedures uncertain
Brexit: A deal that leaves recognition of UK insolvency procedures uncertain
Mark Phillips QC and Paul Fradley discuss Brexit:…
Winding down winding up: the temporary restrictions
Winding down winding up: the temporary restrictions
Hilary Stonefrost and Daniel Judd discuss Winding down…
Cross Class Cram Downs
Cross Class Cram Downs
Robin Dicker QC and Adam Al-Attar explore Cross-Class…
Ipso Facto Reform – Why now, and does it go too far?
Ipso Facto Reform – Why now, and does it go too far?
Felicity Toube QC and Georgina Peters consider the…
The Role of the Monitor in a Rescue Moratorium
The Role of the Monitor in a Rescue Moratorium
Glen Davis QC explores the role of the…
Knowing when to stop: Wrongful Trading and Covid
Knowing when to stop: Wrongful Trading and Covid
Richard Fisher QC and Roseanna Darcy consider the…
Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill 2020
Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill 2020
A breath of fresh air  By Mark Phillips…
Open all hours?
Open all hours?
Guernsey modernises its insolvency law
Guernsey modernises its insolvency law
Legal Eye: Online Justice
Legal Eye: Online Justice
Crypto and Insolvency
Crypto and Insolvency
Litigation Funding in Insolvency
Litigation Funding in Insolvency
Litigation funding (also referred to as litigation finance)…
Brexit: to IP completion day and beyond
Brexit: to IP completion day and beyond
Reflective Loss:  the Unprincipled Principle
Reflective Loss: the Unprincipled Principle
The reflective loss principle (‘RLP’) is designed to…
Cryptoassets, cryptoliabilities: bitcoin and insolvency
Cryptoassets, cryptoliabilities: bitcoin and insolvency
Much ink has been spilt of late, including…
BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA [2019] EWCA Civ 112: the Twilight Zone
BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA [2019] EWCA Civ 112: the Twilight Zone
In February this year, the Court of Appeal…
Cryptocurrency: a guide for the rest of us
Cryptocurrency: a guide for the rest of us
Articles about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies tend to…
Artificial Intelligence in English Law: A Research Agenda
Artificial Intelligence in English Law: A Research Agenda
Artificial intelligence (AI) is attracting an enormous amount…
“Kill all the lawyers”
“Kill all the lawyers”
  In this new regular feature of the…
The Corporate Insolvency Framework Review: A New UK Rescue Culture?
The Corporate Insolvency Framework Review: A New UK Rescue Culture?
Brexit: Where are we going? Chequers or  “No Deal”?
Brexit: Where are we going? Chequers or “No Deal”?
In the last edition of the Digest I…
Judgement: Saad v Ahmed
Judgement: Saad v Ahmed
On 31 May 2018, the Chief Justice of…
Just and Equitable Winding Up
Just and Equitable Winding Up
David Alexander QC on when the court will…
Excluding evidence from the matrix of facts
Excluding evidence from the matrix of facts
Hannah Thornley was appointed as a specialist legal…
Brexit: Where are we going?
Brexit: Where are we going?
Any parent of young children can tell you…
Schemes of Arrangement and the Judgments Regulation: The New Authorities
Schemes of Arrangement and the Judgments Regulation: The New Authorities
Ryan Perkins considers the application of the Judgments…
Learning from the mistakes of others
Learning from the mistakes of others
Glen Davis QC reflects on the lessons to…
Powers of investigation in a cross-border context
Powers of investigation in a cross-border context
William Trower QC and Edoardo Lupi review the…
Supreme Court hands down judgment in Waterfall 1
Supreme Court hands down judgment in Waterfall 1
Alexander Riddiford and Robert Amey report on the…
Banks’ liability for fraudulent withdrawals by authorised individuals
Banks’ liability for fraudulent withdrawals by authorised individuals
Madeleine Jones comments on the recent Court of…
Declaring dividends in the face of contingent liabilities
Declaring dividends in the face of contingent liabilities
Following the recent High Court decision in BTI…
Leeds v Lemos:  The rights of privilege in bankruptcy
Leeds v Lemos: The rights of privilege in bankruptcy
On 17 July 2017, His Honour Judge Hodge…
Primeo v HSBC: Madoff feeder fund claim dismissed by Cayman Court
Primeo v HSBC: Madoff feeder fund claim dismissed by Cayman Court
Toby Brown reports on the Grand Court’s decision…
Repudiatory breach claim upon contractual termination
Repudiatory breach claim upon contractual termination
Georgina Peters discusses the Commercial Court’s recent rejection…
Dishonest Assistance – Two new decisions
Dishonest Assistance – Two new decisions
David Alexander QC reports on recent dishonest assistance…
Shopping and scheming and the rule in Gibbs
Shopping and scheming and the rule in Gibbs
In the aftermath of the Singapore High Court’s…
The Cayman Islands as a restructuring centre:  Ocean Rig opens the door
The Cayman Islands as a restructuring centre: Ocean Rig opens the door
Daniel Bayfield QC and Nick Herrod of Maples…
Is evidence outside a registered document excluded from facts?
Is evidence outside a registered document excluded from facts?
  In the light of the decision in…
Unfair trials – the perils of late evidence and insufficient reasons
Unfair trials – the perils of late evidence and insufficient reasons
Two recent cases in the Chancery Division provide…
Preserving the Golden Goose…
Preserving the Golden Goose…
Richard Fisher identifies further guidance of the scheme…
Salford or the BVI: is there a dispute?
Salford or the BVI: is there a dispute?
Mark Arnold QC explores the differences of approach…
Codere: a development in the cross-border scheme jurisdiction
Codere: a development in the cross-border scheme jurisdiction
David Allison QC and Ryan Perkins consider the…
The Lawyer Top 10 Appeals 2025 – Mitchell and another v Sheikh Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber and others
The Lawyer Top 10 Appeals 2025 – Mitchell and another v Sheikh Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber and others
South Square Featured in The Lawyer Top 20 Cases 2025
South Square Featured in The Lawyer Top 20 Cases 2025
South Square Digest
South Square Digest is our quarterly review of news, cases, judgments and articles covering all our practice areas.
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