Our barristers advise and litigate across a broad range of practice areas. The nature of the cases we take on vary considerably in complexity, duration, the level of expertise necessary, and the number of barristers that are required. In order to meet the needs of our clients and to ensure we provide flexible and competitive pricing, we use a variety of fee structures and we agree costs on a case by case basis.
The fee structures we use are set out below (and are subject to the factors referred to above).
Brief fees and refreshers. A brief fee is a fixed fee which covers preparation for a trial and the first day in court. A refresher is a fixed fee for each subsequent day of the trial (which includes ongoing preparation).
Hourly rates. A barrister may agree to work on an hourly rate for the duration of a case. Where the duration of the case is likely to be significant, the rate may be linked to inflation.
Fixed fees. Where a barrister is confident about the work likely to be required, they may agree to charge a client a set amount of money for the work to be done on a particular case (or on a particular aspect of a case).
Conditional Fee Arrangements (CFA). Individual barristers may agree to work on the basis of a CFA or a partial CFA. A CFA will require barristers’ fees and expenses, or any part of them, to be paid only in certain circumstances – usually only if the client wins the case, and not until the client receives compensation as a result of the proceedings.
Contact us
If you wish to consider engaging any member or associate member of South Square as an arbitrator or mediator or as Counsel in an arbitration or mediation, please contact Practice_Managers@southsquare.com