South Square is a leading set of commercial law barristers. Our members
have acted in many of the most important restructuring, insolvency,
banking, commercial, company and fraud-related disputes of recent times. We are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
Members have written or contributed to the following publications. If you want to find out more or have any questions about them, please contact us here.

Insolvency Intelligence Edited by Steven Frieze and David Milman.
Gabriel Moss QC and Felicity Toube QC are on the editorial board

International Asset Tracing in Insolvency Edited by Felicity Toube QC

Schemes of Arrangement: Law and Practice by Geoff O'Dea, Julian Long and Alexandra Smyth. Consultant Editors were William Trower QC and Andrew Thornton

Transaction Avoidance in Insolvencies (2nd ed.) by Rebecca Parry, James Ayliffe and Sharif Shivji.
Consultant Editors were Hamish Anderson and William Trower QC

Asset Protection Trusts (4th ed.) by Milton Grundy, Joseph Field and John Briggs

Ranking and Priority of Creditors Edited by Dennis Faber, Niels Vermunt, Jason Kilborn, Tomáš Richter, and Ignacio Tirado
Charlotte Cooke contributed
Charlotte Cooke contributed

EU Banking and Insurance Insolvency (2nd ed.) Edited by Gabriel Moss QC, Bob Wessels, and Matthias Haentjens
Contributions by Felicity Toube QC, Hannah Thornley and Robert Amey
Contributions by Felicity Toube QC, Hannah Thornley and Robert Amey

Corporate Administrations and Rescue Procedures (2017) (3rd ed.) By William Trower QC, Adam Goodison, Matthew Abraham, Andrew Shaw

Totty & Moss on Insolvency Edited by Gabriel Moss QC.
Contributions by Antony Zacaroli QC, Felicity Toube QC, Jeremy Goldring QC, Professor Ian Fletcher QC, Professor Riz Mokal, Adam Goodison and Richard Fisher.
Sweet & Maxwell, 3 releases per annum

Cross-border Insolvency (4th ed.) Edited by Richard Sheldon QC.
Contributions by Mark Arnold QC, Jeremy Goldring QC, Tom Smith QC, John Briggs, Lloyd Tamlyn, Richard Fisher and Adam Al-Attar.
Bloomsbury Professional, 2015

EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings (3rd ed.) Edited by Gabriel Moss QC, Professor Ian Fletcher QC and Stuart Isaacs QC
Contributions by Georgina Peters, William Willson, Adam Al-Attar, Robert Amey, Andrew Shaw and Ryan Perkins.
Oxford University Press, 2016

Lightman & Moss: Law of Administrators and Receivers of Companies (5th ed.) by Gavin Lightman, Gabriel Moss, Hamish Anderson, Ian Fletcher and Richard Snowden.
Felicity Toube QC contributed

Rowlatt on Principal and Surety (6th ed.) by Gabriel Moss QC and David Marks QC.
Felicity Toube QC and Rose Darcy contributed

Transaction Avoidance in Insolvencies (3rd ed.) by Rebecca Parry, James Ayliffe QC and Sharif Shivji.
Consultant Editors were Hamish Anderson and William Trower QC

Montgomery and Ormerod on Fraud: Criminal Law and Procedure Edited by Clare Montgomery QC and David Ormerod
William Trower QC contributed
William Trower QC contributed

Rayden and Jackson on Relationship Breakdown, Finances and Children by Stephen Trowell , David Williams QC.
Contributions by John Briggs, Sir Mathew Thorpe and Judge Philip Waller CBE

Gore-Browne on Companies by The Rt Hon the Lord Millett, Michael Todd QC , Alistair Alcock.
Contributions by David Allison QC and Marcus Haywood

Treatment of Contracts in Insolvency Edited by Dennis Faber, Niels Vermunt, Jason Kilborn, and Kathleen van der Linde
Charlotte Cooke contributed
Charlotte Cooke contributed

Zuckerman on Australian Civil Procedure (2018) by Adrian Zuckerman , Stefanie Wilkins , Jonathan Adamopoulos, Andrew Higgins, Stephanie Hooper and Alexander Vial.

Company Directors Duties, Liabilities and Remedies (3rd ed.) Edited by Simon Mortimore QC.
Contributions by Antony Zacaroli QC, Glen Davis QC, Barry Isaacs QC, Mark Arnold QC, Professor Sarah Worthington, Adam Goodison, Lloyd Tamlyn, Tom Smith, Stephen Robins, Marcus Haywood, William Willson, Hannah Thornley, Georgina Peters, Adam Al-Attar, Charlotte Cooke and Robert Amey.
Oxford University Press, 2017

Muir Hunter on Personal Insolvency Edited by Christopher Brougham QC and John Briggs.
Sweet & Maxwell, 3 releases per annum.

International Corporate Rescue – special edition 2015
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If you wish to consider engaging any member or associate member of South Square as an arbitrator or mediator or as Counsel in an arbitration or mediation, please contact Practice_Managers@southsquare.com
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