South Square is a leading set of commercial law barristers. Our members
have acted in many of the most important restructuring, insolvency,
banking, commercial, company and fraud-related disputes of recent times. We are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
Contact us
If you wish to consider engaging any member or associate member of South Square as an arbitrator or mediator or as Counsel in an arbitration or mediation, please contact Practice_Managers@southsquare.com
Academic & Associate Members
CVs for our Academic and Associate Members are available upon request from our Practice Managers. Contact practice_managers@southsquare.com.
Academic Members
Associate Members
Chambers Director / CEO

Practice Managers
Senior Clerk

King's Counsel

Senior Barristers

Junior Barristers

Chambers & Partners‘The clerks are very easy to deal with, business-orientated, and you can always get hold of them after hours.’
Support Staff

South Square Digest
South Square Digest is our quarterly review of news, cases, judgments and articles covering all our practice areas.